Cassandra Authentication and Create User:
By default when we install cassandra on a machine it do not has any username and password authentication. We can directly use cassandra console by just a simple command cqlsh. Therefore this blog post is regarding to enable the authentication in cassandra and to create a user with different access permissions to databases.
Basic Key Points :
- cassandra.yaml file location:
- Cassandra Packaged installs: /etc/cassandra/conf
- Cassandra Binary installs (tarball): <install_location>/conf
- DataStax Enterprise Packaged installs: /etc/dse/cassandra
- DataStax Enterprise Binary installs (tarball): <install_location>/resources/cassandra/conf
- OpsCenter : A tool to create and manage cassandra clusters.
Steps to Enable Authentication :
- Edit the cassandra.yaml file in all the servers in cassandra cluster and change the following properties
- authorizer : CassandraAuthorizer
- authenticator : PasswordAuthenticator
- Now Restart the cassandra servers as
- If Cassandra Packaged installs (installed as a service) then run the command : sudo service cassandra restart
- If Cassandra binary Installs (installed manually) then run following commands
- ps -eaf | grep cassandra (note the pid of cassandra)
- kill -9 <pid>
- <install location>/bin/cassandra
- If you are having OpsCenter installed in machine the you can change the above config properties form Opscenter UI.
- Go to OpsCenter UI in browser as <serverIp>/8888
- On the upper right corner click on Cluster Actions dropdown and then click configure
- Now Configure the above properties from UI as
- Change the properties and click the Save Configuration at the end of configuration popup.
- Now restart the cluster from the same right upper corner dropdown menu by clicking restart.
- Ahoy You are done.
- Now time to access cassandra console by using default username and password.
- Run the command : cqlsh <localhost or server Ip> -u cassandra -p cassandra
- Now You can create user as
- CREATE USER ‘user_name’ WITH PASSWORD ‘<password>';
- CREATE USER ‘user_name’ WITH PASSWORD ‘<password>’ SUPERUSER; <to create super user>
- Now you can give the access of individual Keyspaces to specific users as
- GRANT SELECT ON KEYSPACE <keyspace_name> TO ‘<user_name>'; <gives only read only access to user>
- GRANT ALL ON KEYSPACE <keyspace_name> TO ‘<user_name>'; <gives all access to user>
Conclusion :
So this is the way to enable the authentication is cassandra and to create users with different permissions.
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